
The HTTP 200 OK status code is the standard response for successful HTTP requests. It indicates that the request was received, understood, and processed by the server.


The primary purpose of the HTTP 200 response is to indicate a successful interaction with the server. It is the most common status code, signifying that everything worked as expected.


Client Behavior:

  1. Send Request: The client sends an HTTP request to the server.
  2. Receive Response: The client receives the HTTP 200 status code, indicating successful processing.

Server Behavior:

  1. Process Request: The server processes the received request.
  2. Send Response: The server sends a response with a 200 OK status, optionally accompanied by the requested data.


  • Web Page Loading: When a user requests a web page and the server successfully returns the HTML content.
  • API Request: In API interactions, where a 200 OK response often carries the requested data in the response body.

Sequence Diagram

    participant Client
    participant Server as Web Server

    Note over Client: Step 1: Client sends a GET request
    Client->>Server: GET /page HTTP/1.1 (Step 1)

    Note over Server: Step 2: Server processes the request
    Server->>Client: HTTP/1.1 200 OK (Step 2)
    Server->>Client: Response Body (HTML, JSON, etc.) (Step 3)

Curl Request and Response Example for HTTP 200 OK

The following is a basic example of using Curl to make a GET request. The expected response for a successful request is HTTP 200 OK, often accompanied by the resource data.

# Sample curl request to a resource
curl -i

# Expected response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
# Followed by the response body/content

PHP cURL Request and Response Example for HTTP 200 OK

Below is an example of using PHP cURL to make a GET request and check for an HTTP 200 OK response. This is a common way to confirm that a request has been successfully processed by the server.

// Initialize cURL session
$ch = curl_init('');

// Set cURL options
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Return the response as a string
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); // Do not include the headers in the output

// Execute cURL session
$response = curl_exec($ch);

// Check for HTTP 200 OK response
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if ($httpCode == 200) {
    echo "Received HTTP 200 OK response.\n";
    // Further processing of $response here...
} else {
    echo "Request failed with status code: " . $httpCode . "\n";

// Close cURL session

Python Request and Response Example for HTTP 200 OK

The following Python example demonstrates how to use the requests library to make a GET request to a server and check for an HTTP 200 OK response. This status code indicates that the request was successfully processed.

import requests

# URL for the resource to be requested
url = ''

# Making a GET request to the server
response = requests.get(url)

# Checking the response status code
if response.status_code == 200:
    print("Received HTTP 200 OK response.")
    # Further processing of the response data
    print(f"Request failed with status code: {response.status_code}")

# Additional processing can be done based on the response

Apache Configuration for Logging HTTP 200 OK Responses

Apache Web Server is configured by default to return an HTTP 200 OK status code for successfully processed requests. However, you might want to log these successful requests separately for analysis. Below is an Apache configuration example that sets up custom logging for HTTP 200 responses.

# Apache Configuration Example
<VirtualHost *:80>

    # LogFormat definition
    LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common

    # Custom log for HTTP 200 OK responses
    SetEnvIf Request_URI ".*" IS_OK
    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access_log_200.log common env=IS_OK

    # Other configurations...

NGINX Configuration for Logging HTTP 200 OK Responses

NGINX returns an HTTP 200 OK status code for successfully processed requests by default. To monitor these successful requests separately, you can configure NGINX to log HTTP 200 responses to a specific file. Here’s how you can set up this configuration:

# NGINX Configuration Example
server {
    listen 80;

    # Location block for handling requests
    location / {
        # Standard proxy or other directives
        # ...

        # Logging HTTP 200 responses to a separate file
        access_log /var/log/nginx/access_200.log combined if=$log_200;

        # Define variable based on the response status
        set $log_200 "";
        if ($status = 200) {
            set $log_200 1;

    # Other server configurations...

HTTP 102 Processing (WebDAV) HTTP 201 Created


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